Commercial Energy

What We Offer

Our client-centered energy procurement process ensures a straightforward, effective approach to Our solutions offer your organization the resources and expertise to reduce energy costs, improve operational efficiency, and reach your long-term financial goals.

Ongoing Support

Ongoing Support

Complimentary Savings Analysis

Savings Analysis

Complimentary Consultation


Commitment and Hassle Free

and Hassle Free

Performance Driven Results

Driven Results

Simple Cost-Effective Solutions

We help organizations of all sizes to discover the best rates on energy through our unique energy procurement process.

Between energy market fluctuations and the changing needs of your organization, procuring energy at the lowest rate can be a challenge. However, we work to simplify this once complicated chore.

We work on your behalf to cut through the complexity of energy procurement to bring you the best energy rates available from the nation’s top suppliers.

With us as your energy procurement partner, you’ll gain access to a vast network of energy suppliers, highly competitive energy pricing, and the strategic insight to reduce your long-term energy risks.

  • Unique Supplier Rates
  • Reverse Auction
  • Customized Energy Quotes

Our Energy Procurement Process

Our client-centered energy procurement process ensures a straightforward, effective approach to securing energy at the most competitive rates.

  • Complimentary Energy Assessment To understand your organization’s energy needs, we first review your historical usage data to uncover opportunities to lower your costs.
  • Strategic Planning Once your assessment is complete, we work with you to develop an energy plan tailored to your budget, risk tolerances, and your organization’s short-term and long-term energy goals.
  • Select Your Rate, Term and Supplier Drawing on our extensive network of energy suppliers, we create a customized list of suppliers whose pricing, terms, and capabilities meet your objectives. Through a supplier comparison, your energy advisor will work with you to help you determine which rate and term options are best suited for your company’s goals.
  • Contract Management Once you’ve narrowed down your options, your energy advisor will help you navigate the contract process, so you fully understand the new terms. If edits to the contract are needed, our team is always on hand to provide expert insights and assistance.
  • Ongoing Support After you’ve secured your contract, we continue to monitor energy market conditions to explore additional opportunities for continued energy savings.

Reverse Auctions

Reverse Auctions make energy procurement simple, transparent and cost-effective - getting the best energy pricing should always be a fair and straightforward process.

  • We gather all of the competitive suppliers in your market to compete for your business
  • Participating in a reverse auction is free – so you’ll never have to worry about out-of-pocket expenses
  • To help you make decisions, every auction comes with a detailed summary and cost comparison analysis
  • Because we know your time is valuable, auctions last for only approximately 5-10 minutes

Using our unique auction technology, we ensure

  • Each supplier has adequate time to present a new low offer
  • You receive the best price available in the market
  • Every part of the auction process is fair and transparent
  • No participating suppliers can submit a last-second offer

How It Works

Performance Driven Results

Get Registered

Simply provide us with a few details about your organization and energy usage, and we will get to work on your organization’s behalf.

Performance Driven Results

Schedule Your Action

Schedule your reverse auction on the day and time that’s convenient for you. We’ll invite all the leading suppliers in your area to compete for your electricity or natural gas business.

Performance Driven Results

Get Supplier Offers

Watch as suppliers make real-time offers and counter-offers to earn your business. If you have questions, an energy analyst will be there to guide you through the auction.

Performance Driven Results

Evaluate Your Offers

Receive a detailed savings analysis after the auction. If you’re ready to move forward, an energy analyst can help you select a preferred supplier


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