Solar power for the home: The kitchen sink approach

Solar power for the home: The kitchen sink approach

Written on Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

Just as the sun supplies life-sustaining energy for organic life on earth, it can also provide the energy we need and desire for our lifestyles while having a minimal impact on the environment. By using the well-known photovoltaic solar panel system and taking advantage of pure unadulterated sunlight, you can turn your home into a mean, green, solar-powered machine!

Solar cells on a roof with sun flowers in the foregroundWhen going solar, roof-mounted or stand-alone photovoltaic panels are by far the best solar solution for versatility. Because they generate electricity from sunlight, they are capable of powering household devices and appliances and thus greatly decreasing your energy costs. PV power can also be used to heat water for hot water heaters and swimming pools.

An obvious use of solar energy for the home is lighting. In addition to photovoltaics, electric solar light bulbs are available for indoors and outdoors that store energy for nighttime use. Moreover, don’t forget that skylights and solar light tubes are a simple, but effective solar solution.

Lastly, an important part of making use of solar power is giving yourself the option to say “no” in the summer to that great big ball of heat in the sky. And by this we mean utilizing technologies to prevent heat build-up within your home while still letting sunlight through. Awnings and blinds are a terrific way to control interior temperature levels and low-e film applied to windows reflects 90 percent of heat. And don’t underestimate the power of planting some shade trees in the yard!

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